Pink Training
USI Pink Training is Europe’s largest LGBTQ+ Training and networking event for third-level students. This year it took place in Galway from 18th – 20th November. Your Welfare, Ents & Education Officers attended with the LGBTQ+ Society and UCC delegates.
Protests & Campaigns
- Attended the Cork Cost of Living Protest
- Provided feedback to USI at the USI Campaigns Working Group and Presidents Working Group regarding the National Student Walkout and the next steps for national lobbying.
- Voter Registration drive on Campus & How to write to your local representative event
- Worked with FemSoc on Abortion Access for All campaign – informational posters/cards
- Plastic Free UCC: 1900 + UCC branded water bottles handed out to students to encourage the Plastic Free UCC – all students were surveyed.
- Attended the ‘Raise the roof‘ Rally in Dublin
- Green Campus Strategic Workshop
- the President and Education officer engaged with relevant UCC Staff to start progressing plans for Postgraduate Research Student Class Reps
- Launched the Lecture Recording Feedback Survey, 1771 responses (thank you class reps for sharing!!)
- Ran 2nd Academic Rep Training
- Continued to push Lecture Recording in ACL&T, DEAG, Inclusive UCC, and basically any forum I can.
- USI VP for Academic Affairs set up a WG about placement provisions
- Appointed Welfare Crew
- Ran successful Mental Health & Wellbeing week
- Assessed 25 Student Assistance Fund Applications, 5 Emergency Fund/Foodbank applications, and 3 Childcare Subsidy Scheme applications
- Welfare Officer listened to, signposted, and supported dozens of UCC students with Welfare related concerns on a 1:1 level
- Launching Raise and Give week very soon!
- Vendors on campus as well to close out the semester
- Ice Cream Van visited 4 UCC Campuses during Mental Health and Wellbeing week
- Raised the Living Wage issue at USI Comhairle Náisiúnta and asked the USI VP Welfare to prepare information on the issue for MOs
- Equality Working group organised 2 events for UCC Equality Week
- Ents Officer Mary MC’d I’m Grand Mam Podcast
- Organised Alcohol-Free Night in the New Bar
- Appointed Ents Crew
- Represented UCCSU at Level Up in the European Parliament
- Attended USI Comhairle Náisiúnta/National Council
- Continued to campaign for Living Wage for SU Content Creator roles from UCC
- Implementation Plan for Seomra na Gaeilge completed and branding document completed
- UCCSU ‘Know your Union’ Radio Show up and running
- The Environmental & Sustainability rep attended COP27, debrief document is incoming!