Big Wins!
Organised the UCC edition of USI’s National Student Walkout – possibly the Largest Student Walkout since November 2010, student turnout at UCC was unprecedented – UP THE STUDENTS!
- No cost fee extension for CACSSS PhD student secured after working on the issue for over a year
- Ensured UCC was back on track and policy commitment through to deliver on UCC Plastic Free 2023
- Secured funding for 2,000 UCC-branded reusable water bottles for students, which will be given out this week to encourage the UCC plastic-free policy.
We have protested on the following issues along with students:
- Abortion Access
- Climate Crisis
- Rising Cost of Living
- LGBTQ+ rights (Cork Pride & Trans+ Pride)
- Housing (Cork Rally for Housing)
- National Student Walkout
- Ran “Beat the Repeats” Campaign, including infographics and food & drink stands/drops.
- Co-ordinated class rep elections
- Advocated (and still advocating) for lecture recording, engaging with individual departments. Emailed all heads of schools/departments outlining the SU’s position.
- Processed/assessed over 60 applications for the Emergency Fund, Childcare Subsidy Scheme and Student Assistance Fund applications
- Gave 1 to 1 info and support to over 100 students
- 12 events and info stands for SHAG week
- Successful Sophomore Week, SHAG Week & Halloweek events
- Freshers Ball for 1500 students with multiple stages and acts in one venue
- (Co-)Organised Postgrad Picnic & CASCSS PhD Lunch Social
- Orientation Class Parties (with free pizza <3)
- Return of Union Week
- More sustainable Freshers packs
- Had 19 vendors on campus since the start of the Semester – distributing free products, running competitions or selling food – e.g. Swoon, Lucozade, Wok n Roll
- €19,000 made in commercial revenue
- Updates to SU Common Room – bookshelf and piano!
- SU Welcome Video filmed and distributed
- Pre-Budget Lobby Day in Dublin
- Lots and lots of in-person orientations!!
- Trainings, training and more training
- Increased Cooperation with CATU